Thursday, December 20, 2007
Now there are two things that I have to say here.
First is that I heard a prophetic word in the last few years saying that there were going to be weddings that would occur suddenly, and there have been a few so far that have fit the bill. They have been surrounded by interesting circumstance and I cannot say whether right or wrong, but God will bless them if they that have committed will remain committed. They will have a marriage of testimony if they keep their eyes on the One that blesses and follow His lead of dying daily.
Now number two. These young folk didn't trust the church body that they were apart of to bless them in their motion, nor in fact, to even give it a chance. They felt that the body would or did judge them in their quest for happiness.
The failure that I see in this, and I'm not through meditating on it, is that the church body does in fact judge. We look at a situation or an appearance and call it what it would be if it were in our experience.
Neither party in this is free from guilt and both party's need to repent and get into right relationship with each other.
How can the older teach the younger if all that the younger expect to hear is that what they are doing is dangerous?
And why should they listen when all the elder do is meet their expectations?
We pray for the prodigals to come in and and it is immediately incumbent on us to start acting like dogs and smelling their butts to recognize them- who they are, where they've been, what it is that they have consumed, both intellectually and physically.
I preach Jesus the Christ. Him crucified and me grafted into His resurrected body that is not slave to sin and stands for nothing to stand between Him and fellowship with His Father.
I am no slave to sin. Neither I, nor anyone else who has turned to Jesus for completion, have any fellowship with sin. Nothing is sin except that which separates us from the Father and we are the ones who define that by allowing it to be used to shame us.
Children know no sin, and we are to come to Him as children- I suspect that this means we come in innocence. Clean and pure because we think on the things that He instructed us to... Whatever is clean whatever is pure-
This is hard, a hard word, but more because it irritates us like sand in our pearl making bits.
I don't have this yet, but I submit it here for a comment or two.
add: Part of the thing in the church is not to stumble others with our nonsense and this is why we are to be careful what we do and where. If we stumble someone, if we give someone with a propensity to judge something to judge, perhaps this makes us guiltier than they for we can consider and know better.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I'm not really one to go off half cocked about those sort of things now- (I was in the past- demon in every door knob so to speak)and with Harry it looked more to me like it was about friends and camaraderie and good against evil. I just can't think of anyone having this kind of a purpose and pitting good against evil with the idea of harming the basis of our moral values.
What is it that gets into a man to cause him to hate the supreme being to such a degree that he can't stand anyone else having any respect or love for it either.
That, however, is not why we live in the best time ever.
I live in a democratic republic filled with people who think we live in a democracy, an unmanageable task to run our country by the whims of the masses whose sight doesn't typically go beyond the moment that they are living in. (Native americans made decisions based on five generations out, so they contemplated the results of their actions pretty thoroughly before making any decisions.)
This is one reason that there is too much information out there for the getting. you can learn nearly everything within moments of it occurring these days, and yet we live thinking that everyone would of course think the way that we think and appreciate all of the things that we believe are rights- (Boy are we spoiled)
Yet this is not what makes this the greatest age.
What makes this the greatest age is that God is about restoring all that we had in Eden, if we can see it. If we can let go and understand that it doesn't look like what we want it to, but we can imagine it as we go along and see it come to pass in our lives day by day if we allow our expectations to be tempered in our time with our Father who wants to give us every good gift, and we don't really have a clue about being gracious.
We want what we want, they way that we want it, in our timing, to be used as we see fit.
What is the answer? To learn tolerance of the message, know the Word that is God (Jesus), know the Father based on the history that He has left for us, the cannon. And hold on to Him, knowing that He is the Lover of your soul having paid a great price for your admittance to the presence of the Father.
Too much for one blog? Probably, but I had to get it out. I'll think on it with a more clear purpose, but not tonite.
I love you.
(sometimes I just really want to say that)
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Body of Christ is not bound by the same parameters, judgment is a thing that we do out of boredom.
Just today on my bus (I drive a special needs bus) I overheard (Started that way and then it became eavesdropping- didn't get the whole, just the gist) two seniors (citizens...) talking about- (senior citizens) talking about getting together for some fellowship.
They went to different churches and were of separate cultures (one of them is old school racial thought processes, but good at heart) and the one gal suggested that they could go to a senior center (_ nah, you prolly got that one) and eat lunch and play bingo.
The okey said that her church didn't allow gambling and they would have to find somewhere else to meet.
I told her that it was hardly gambling as the prizes were useful things that you were going to have to buy anyway, ie- toilet paper, tooth paste, etc...
I am more convinced all the time that the old, established church spent more time telling people what not to do because;
A) They needed to feel the extent of their control and don't are easier to list than do's
B) They had to clean up the mess left behind by someone who had no discernment and they thought that the preemptive NO! would be the most efficient way of dealing with matters that they didn't want to work through with anyone.
C) The easiest way to pressure someone is to tell them that they will be excluded if they don't comply. This is also an effective means of evangelizing. Tell someone that only certain people "get it" -it's not for everyone.
I remember how ridiculous the whole "no dancing" thing was when I was in high school.
(me) "So Mom, what's wrong with dancing anyway?"
(Mom) " I've heard what happens on those dance floors."
(me) "Don't you think that if that was what we had in mind we would tell you we were going to the dance and go do that instead?"
There have been doers and don'ters since Peter came back from Cornelius house. "They don't fit the mold that I'm struggling to fit!"
Either we are free from sin and it has no hold over us or we are in bondage to it like we were before Jesus made the grand gesture to try to convince us that He was serious and we could be in fellowship with His daddy.
If you get it, if you are one of the chosen Welcome Home!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I talked with a girl one time who didn't wan to see the movie, "The Passion Of The Christ" (Mel Gibson)because in her estimation it was about Jesus coming to rescue a pathetic people. She wanted to make her unsaved mother watch a different version with a "happy Jesus." For her, the story of Jesus as she would present it was that Jesus was happy and he made people happy.
And there are the hard liners that say that He died because God can't look on sin and wants to redeem his creation so that they can hang out for eternity and well, we're never quite sure what's next.
I have come to the conclusion that Jesus meant that our entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. Or perhaps that the Kingdom of Heaven was about to be established in the earth.
If the latter is true I would say that we have lost the keys to unlock it and Garmin doesn't have a clue how to find the location. If the former is the truth then we have something to share with others.
I tend to believe that perhaps both of these statements are true.
There is evidence that all of the miracles Jesus did are within our grasp. Even Jesus said that greater miracles than He did would be done at our hand. Walk on water, levitate (the pinnacle, walking on water really), loaves and fishes multiplied.
I will go so far as to submit that the 90% of our brain that we don't use begins to be healed and reawakened, re-tooled, reactivated to do and be what the first Adam was in Eden. And Jesus death was to make room (so to speak) for us to step into authority to wield the power that He made available to us.
I've got to think about this.
I believe that Jesus died to allow us to be able to have fellowship with the Father. And then we were told that since Jesus did this, we are told to pray to the Father in the name of the Son as it was that he acquired this for us, this power and authority.
I just have to meditate. Workin' at it-
Thursday, August 30, 2007
When I was in the navy and we were coming home from the North Atlantic we had just refueled in the Azores, Portugal. The seas looked gentle and rolling about 5 or 6 feet high but spaced kind of irregularly.
We took two swells close enough together that we raised up and raised up and then-
There was nothing under us. We fell, descending, submerging...
The bridge window was marked at 40 feet high so that the math whiz quartermasters could gauge the horizon. We had windows surrounding us on three sides (thank God we had the bridge hatches closed)we were looking at green water.
Not clear water, indicating that we were skimming the surface, green water the color green you see when you go snorkeling.
A trip to San Francisco. A three day excursion in worship, 4 services if you count our regulars. And now nothing.
The locals that have seemed to count on me to watch their backs are ignoring me.
I'm not sure what I'm trying to get at here, but I'm trying to deal with alienation, cynicism and no direction all at once.
I feel a little like Cap'n Jack Sparrow in the third movie when he couldn't make his compass that pointed to the desire of his heart, work.
Better news next time... I suspect... i hope...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My good friend Dave tried to explain to me how San Fran might have been done differently done if it were more about the City than about the Bride of Christ.
There is something about the language of the christian community that is offensive to the world and it doesn't necessarily have a positive effect when you speak it. It feels like a challenge.
Even the title, "The REAL Summer of Love" is confrontive in that it illegitimizes what the city of San Francisco holds to it's bosom as a monumental move ahead. And for them in their understanding, it was gods hand leading them to a higher plain... And they may well be right. They are right, they just don't see it as the path to Jesus and we know that Jesus is the opened who opened the door to a righteousness required to have fellowship with the Father.
Now, the other day the worship band that I am part of went to play for a nearby church who had a guest speaker from their denomination.
We played worship that is our style, very prophetic, very fresh and then this man got up and talked about holiness and what we must do to be liked (my word, not his) by God.
This guy is an evangelist and thinks that the best example of being like Christ is to make people like him. Again, my take on his words, not what he said.
The heart of it is that the church representation currently on display is reminiscent of the church in Jerusalem in Acts where they wanted to require converts to christianity to become jews before they become christians.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. You don't get to enter the kingdom of God without relying on Jesus. Jesus wants to give you His righteousness to use as currency.
It's not about what you do, it's about who you know.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Made some plans- really loose plans, and watched them blow up in slow motion, beginning at our departure.
Much if not all of that is well chronicled at describing the hospitalization of our friend and cohort Trevor MacPherson, apostle to the alternative lifestyle youngsters of the world. Dave tells it all best, as my gaze was fixed on whatever tasks I could complete.
What I did manage was to catch a couple of the evenings, some "covert ops" with some of my friends, did a couple of evening services (prayed for a couple of people) met some really cool people, did a little warfare on my drum, was thoroughly impressed by a young musician named Stephen Roach (twice carried a dun-dun to his car and asked him to pray impartation of musicianship and he added a bit)and carried Leonard Jones guitar to his car for him and he gave me a ride back to the concert site.
That is a whirlwind, but it's about how it all felt.
So, we stayed in the "Tenderloin" district. Saw hookers nightly outside the international hostel where we stayed, apparently the best facility of it's type in San Francisco. Wi-fi, continental breakfast, ambiance- an amazing place for whatit was. And more importantly 5 blocks from the hospital (again, )
That hadn't been a consideration for us before we left.
Trevor was on a panel with Arthur Blessit, Chuck Girard and some others including Sean Bolz and some others.
The next morning he went to the hospital with something that would have killed him had he been a lesser man.
In a drum circle, they had begun and I went and asked if I could join. We went through a couple of guitar players and one broke a string. The guy next to him, who had sung a prophetic type song moments before said that perhaps he had come to San Francisco to get saved. Pretty amazing.
There were some challenges besides Trevors situation, but I'll get to those later, or they aren't important.
Monday, August 06, 2007
The time has come for Ezekial to arise and prophesy over the valley of dry bones and call the body of Christ up. To prophesy the joining of the bones, the sinew and muscle to make her mobile- even the skin, or flesh must be called on to put a face on Christ that is believable.
The church has curried a reputation of judgment and cultural vandalism, calling on people to make themselves lovable before they can become part. Acts 10, Peter on the roof taking a nap, "Don't call unclean what I call clean", "Where sin abounds, there grace abounds also",
The body of Christ will become the Bride of Christ when they have united to singular purpose- to call the kingdom of heaven to manifest. To see effective healing prayer not by a single person but corporeally by the body, or when no one is consciously praying, but the reality of the kingdom of heaven manifesting on the earth in worship that requires the enemy to stand back and release whatever or be filleted.
But first Ezekial must rise up and prophesy... and it's nearly time.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
In the midst of the time of prayer I felt a drop of something that felt like anointing oil drop in my right hand. In a matter of moments I felt a drop in my left hand, but there was more- it ran to the side of my hand. I opened my eyes to see if someone had poured oil in my hand and there was no one with a vial nearby. I looked at my hands in a secret fashion, as I didn't want to disturb the flow, to see the shine of oil or anything wet on my palms and there was nothing.
A short moment later someone prayed something about God anointing my hands with oil. Again I looked and saw nothing of what I had felt physically drop into my hands.
I closed my eyes and in a short moment someone abruptly struck the palm of my right hand with what felt like a finger tip. Poked it hard enough to cause my hand to move.
Again I looked and there was no one around giving any indication that they had ministered to me in this fashion. No one leaving the scene, and the only hands nearby had been holding my hands at the time.
Then an offering was taken and my money available for this trip was doubled. I guess that my Father is serious about this trip.
Also, the word to me was that doors were about to open and doors behind me were about to close. Do you suppose I won't have a job when I get back? I just don't know.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I stepped in behind a warrior that I have gone and will go into battle with. A brother who honors the call within each of our squad and I trust to cover my back as he can trust me to cover his. The intercessors were banded together about him and I did take his back, steeling him with anything that I had to offer.
The then caught sight of me and began to bless me in ways that I haven't yet caught the whole of. One began to answer a prayer prayed and confessed 8 years ago.
In the Voyage of the Dawntreader by CS Lewis There was a young rascal named Edmond who found himself enchanted and turned into a dragon.
He found his cousins but they didn't recognize him and thought him a threat until they saw a tear fall from his eye. It was not long before Aslan appeared and asked Edmund if he would repent from his contrary ways.
He repented and Aslan attacked him, tearing away the scales and dragon flesh that covered him.
I was without visible scale but they were torn away just the same.
Weapons removed and old wounds healed.
Next hands laid on me were accompanied by words of freedom to roar and to speak what God puts in my mouth. I was likened to a grizzly bear giving the enemy cause for worry and given permission to offend the enemy.
There was more, but my memory fails.
My friend Brian escorted me down the stairs and I joined worship that was in progress at that time.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
For anyone who happens onto this blog, I should explain that the river is kind of a euphemism for the living and active kingdom of heaven.
There is a newness in creation that draws me to want to protect it. Not wildly, like some eco-freak, but because all creation waits for the sons of God to manifest. When this takes place much that has been wrong will be right.
And I am a bear that will protect it. Protect God's creation, His plan, His anointing. It's not that they need my protection, it's in my DNA.
And it's not just about nature. I have friends that I would do everything that I could to keep them safe. I have a friend that I am drawn to serve and it is to meet any needs that I can within the boundaries that the Father restrains me with.
And my own weaknesses.
I knew something was up but I thought it was my something and didn't recognize how big it was.
In fact, there was something very big going on and I was distracted by my own flea.
I have got to get a handle on this before I go much farther. There is some dark places for me to go yet and I can't afford to miss anything. It will only lead to the failure of my mission, whatever mission I may be dealing with at the time. On the other hand, there is that side of me that has freedom to do and to fight and to express myself knowing that The Father knows me and has set aside bit of me just for fun. Like the three fat sisters in "The Point" from Harry Nilsson whose point was fun and merriment. That is what I see in the next picture.
Sometimes it's a problem, but mostly not so much. And I leave the photographers credits on the shots. They are very nice shots.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
At the conference, the guy preaching (Jeremy Nelson) made an off-handed comment about chili being the price of the prophet's reward.
Guess who had chili in the trunk of his car...
And at the end of the service I chased him out the door, chili in hand, and said, "I came for my reward."
He looked at me like I was nuts. He had no context, so I reminded him of what he had said in the sermon and he looked at me, touched my chest and said, "Lord give him financial prosperity," and continued on to the car.
I thought, "I would have liked a little more" thinking about maybe some prophecy, but having been around ministry I have a great respect for protocol and didn't press. I just told the Lord, "It will be good because it's all you anyway."
The next night I played my djembe in worship like a man possessed, which I was. (The Holy Spirit likes my drum.)
After we finished and I left the platform, my friend came and told me that someone had given him an envelope and handed it to me. It felt like some folded bills and so I was curious, but I had no idea.
I went around the corner and tore the corner open and saw a $100 bill. I opened it and fanned ten $100 bills. I was speechless.
And there was no plan, no request, no idea what it was for. Just "here Todd, I love you."
I've made some decisions that may not have been the best, but I'm trying.
a couple of days ago I was thinking about the cars that I have driven in the past few years. Cars that were given to me. I began to think about the names- Trail blazer... Forerunner... And now a Cavalier.
1. | a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness; pathfinder. |
2. | a pioneer in any field of endeavor: a trailblazer in science. |
- One that precedes, as in time; a predecessor.
- An ancestor; a forebear.
- One that comes before and indicates the approach of another; a harbinger.
- A warning sign or symptom.
5. | haughty, disdainful, or supercilious: an arrogant and cavalier attitude toward others. |
6. | offhand or unceremonious: The very dignified officials were confused by his cavalier manner. |
Yeah, thats what I feared, but...
1. | a horseman, esp. a mounted soldier; knight. |
2. | one having the spirit or bearing of a knight; a courtly gentleman; gallant. |
3. | a man escorting a woman or acting as her partner in dancing. |
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I was blessed again by another friend last night who tried to loan me a car for a time and it was another blessing rip-off, but I'm trying to partner with God instead of merely being a member of the nag of Christ as I have shown myself ever so capable of being. It is more than having nowhere else to go. Despite this period that I am experiencing, I am convinced that He is still involved and in the midst of some intricate reshaping of who I am. And part of the game seems to be whether or not I can figure out who I am which may be the key to moving on.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I can't seem to lay hold of any of the blessings that the Father has offered. He gave me a car... three cars, and none of them run. I can't lay hold of spark in one, I can't lay hold of fuel in one and the third is a purely mechanical failure that is beyond my ability to find help for.
I am home from work today (losing money that I can't afford to lose) because I can't seem to get it.
Someone walked up to me and pressed $100 into my hand and I can't find the check.
Where is my God? Where is the one whose name I have looked to for refuge? Where is the God in whom my salvation rests?
I have been afraid of late that I have been caught up in a performance mindset. I have lived within that all of my life, I can't get passed the thought that my life hangs upon my performance, that blessing comes to those who have the magic formula, do the right thing, say the magic words. And then *POOF* prosperity.
I don't really have faith. I certainly don't trust.
Hope is what I have at this point.
Worship is the place where I perform for Him and therefore He can find me and I can allow Him to touch me, but that is about the only place where I slide out a
nerve to feel anything. Everything else is because I have no choice to believe it. Where else can I go. Who else can I cling to. Without Him there is only the unknown. A paradox, because He is the great unknown incapable of limiting Himself to my expectations and unwilling to to satisfy the lowness of them, and I am losing even that at this point.
I have never been so depressed as I am now, and none of my perceptions are valid. It is all perspective, and I've kept myself low and wallowing in the mire of my own corruption, falling back to the things that I can effect to get the security that I long for, and I am wrong for it.
I have had the suggestion that I need to throw money at God like a virgin at a volcano, but I have sunk low enough that I don't have that any longer. I could give God the $100 that I can't find, but that would be a mere gesture. But on the other hand, isn't that what all of that is any since I don't have it unless He gives it to me anyway? And like a two year old child it clutch it to my breast and yell "mine!"
And now I feel as though I am careening down a hill and I can't keep even one foot on a pedal to slow my descent. I'm sorry. It's not up to me. I can't reason it out alone and their is an air raid siren in my head that stops me from hearing anything helpful.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Wanna hear, it here it goes...
She walks home from school In a small little town Not part of the others She refuses to frown
Closes her door Holds tight her guitar This gift from the king Makes a glorious sound
She whispers a lyric It’s carried away To the court of the king As He forges her crown
She knows the King In ways that I long to
It seems like a dream A well that I’m drawn to
When she plays guitar Or begins to sing
I have a new mandate Engaging the King
Piercing eyes I’m drawn to engage The knowing look Of a secreted sage
The lilting laughter Of an Irish maid The heart of a lion When she’s up on the stage
And she is my friend Over coffee and more Hearing her sing My heart seems to roar
She knows the King In ways that I long to
She’s got a dream A well that I’m drawn to
When she plays guitar And begins to sing
I have a new mandate Engaging the King
She’s living evidence The King pays attention When she plays her guitar He stands to His feet
She sets a precedence Of awe and adoration When she calls his name His heart skips a beat
And she’s living evidence He gives beauty for ashes When He calls her name She dances around
She sets a precedence Of praise in the madness She sings out His name And we’re all glory bound
I don't have a lot to say about it, it is what it is, but I love the Master for giving it to me.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Can you imagine this? We have been hearing about this tidal wave that is on it's way and there are a lot of people who are looking for it in the natural and there are a number of us that are expecting it to fall in a spiritual sense.
I expect it to fall like the waters did when they destroyed the army of pharaoh in Moses time. I can think of some things that I would like to see wrecked beyond repair, but then again, I look around my town and see the destruction wrought by the people who think that they have something to gain by allying themselves with someone who can't tell the truth against someone who will not lie.
But I believe that the manifestation of this wave has more to do with wrecking the church- "people of faith" Those who don't know will be subject to a choice while those who know will be subject to a whole other kind of judgement.
Monday, March 05, 2007
I made some suggestions, that were panned, and finally Ben, who is known in India as "BENWHITE" turned and said, "okay, I'll be Peace and you be Quiet." It was a roflmao moment... [Don't ask me what that is Pastor Mike, you prolly don't wanna know (I learned it from Elisabeth- shh {LOL})].
So anyway, I am realizing that there is something in me of a ROAR. I had heard something about it earlier, but didn't really get it, now I have been instructed to impart it to some and that presents it's own challenges.
God is pretty funny. He's funnier than we are. I can almost hear the Father and Jesus talking and one of them springing that line on the other. pretty dang funny. Ya' gotta love 'em.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Perhaps addictive. Like a good cup of coffee that has just the right mhmhmhmhm in it.
We actually got started at about 1915 because we were figuring out how to record what we were doing. The record is held on three disks, including the long silence at the end. God showed up and silence was the only appropriate response, although my short attention span, SAS for short, kicked in and I didn't quite know what to do. I am glad that Elisabeth and Jim were cohorts in this endeavor as I would have missed the quiet parts.
There is power in the silence that I don't quite relate to yet, but God is good and has made a promise to bring me to the place where I can get it. I'm gonna get it. It's decided, and He promised that He would be faithful to complete it. Odd though, that the drums would be part of that process. God has an amazing economy.
(BTW, lest anyone make the error that Dave pointed out to me, in the picture below- that's Dave's wife Sue. The description I suggest in the post could be used to describe her. That's not it's purpose... and that's all I've got to say about that.)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
This is about DRUMS!!!
Drums thundering, drums beating quielty like the heartbeat of a content mother, drums that sing the cadence of life.
Drums have an ability that is unknown, and the experiment will be to try it out. I believe that they can fashion a structure over our city to hang unity over.
I know, that doesn't make much sense, and I don't know can only imagine what is going to happen, but the goal is to change the heavens so that God's heartbeat is heard and a city comes into alignment in a way that we can work as a christian body.
I figure that it will take a few minutes to get to that place where unity abounds, and I think that on the way there there will be people who cannot quite get it until they get it. Like white people not being able to dance, if you don't mind an earthy reference, eventually we will find Mantovani (from "The Jerk") and we will all be in unity heading toward the heavens.
There is more that I hope to get to, but for this minute, I'm through and want to maintain at least some semblance of keeping up here. Meanwhile, keep tapping your foot. You can't know who's tapping with you.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Bless me readers for I have sinned, it has been nearly a year since my last confession.
I have been better and worse than ever before.
My mom nearly died as a result of a virile infection complicated by doctors who... well, two of the three monkeys were present... No, See no evil was part of the equation as well. They gave her a pain killer, she is deathly alergic to them, in a patch form and couldn't figure out why she was deteriorating. She's much better now, but showing a little wear.
I have still not found the woman of wonder who will beocme my helpmate. I have, on the other hand, met some fine women who I would be more than willing to allow to be. Just something about how much life they have lived- it's awful how much of a difference than can make. Well, that and time isn't exactly bending over backwards to do me any favors.
I have met a brilliant young woman who challenges me on so many levels. Intimidates might be a better description, but she is gentle and has such faith in God and how He is working things out in me- she makes room for me to work out my stuff musically. And we wrote a song together. I put some words down and she put them with a very nice melody and sang it with passion when she let me know what she wrote. I was ecstatic that I had written something that said what I wanted it to say.
Quite nice.