I was blessed again by another friend last night who tried to loan me a car for a time and it was another blessing rip-off, but I'm trying to partner with God instead of merely being a member of the nag of Christ as I have shown myself ever so capable of being. It is more than having nowhere else to go. Despite this period that I am experiencing, I am convinced that He is still involved and in the midst of some intricate reshaping of who I am. And part of the game seems to be whether or not I can figure out who I am which may be the key to moving on.
I like seeing ya between the angels. You know, on the Arc of the covenant, God's presence would appear in the 'empty space' between the angels.
In the empty tomb, two angels sat opposite each other...
and now in the photo between the angels is again, God's presence being revealed.
...Yet I will praise.
That's also called the MERCY SEAT and where I want to curl up to sleep about now.
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