Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Well, it seems that the path now is cresting. Tomorrow I have a job interview with the bus deal. Not what I want, I don't think, but I'm not going to tell them that right off. I want to enjoy the moment. It has already taken off a lot of the pressure, and if I were to get on with these guys, I could move myself to Oly or Longview or wherever when I need to... I think. Still, though I see eggs I see not one chicken, so I'm not counting anything yet.
Last night I began to post here, but I got confused by the differences between mac and pc and so deleted and decided it was too late anyway and I needded to talk to God for a while... and listen, as well. I read in Song of Solomon about the Shulamite woman going out to find her love after "dissing" him at the door and how it cost her a beating and a ride in the squad car. I'm still not sure what I've been doing wrong, other than not spending enough personal time with Him. I guess I talk intimacy, but I haven't got it worked out yet.
Anyway, I heard from Bishop John round-a-bout and from Conrad Lampan as well, on fire in our lives. I guess that I have reached that place where it's no longer I but He who is the strength in my walk. I can be in the way like a corpse, but I really don't have a whole lot to say about anything. It's all Him, and He can see farther than I, so I'll trust Him..

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