Tuesday, October 01, 2002

David asked the question, "Why are you downcast, oh my soul?" I think that's a fair question to ask, don't you? We get caught up in stuff that we forget tomorrow, but for today, it's the big deal. How will we make it through to tomorrow unless we resolve it resolve it.
The real question should probably be , "When did my soul turn against me, anyway?" There is so much out there in the world that, in proper perspective, is phenomenal. God put cool stuff here for us to find. For us to use to make things. For us to eat and drink and- well, to use. He put us here in a place that would renew itself and told us to go forth and subdue. Not conquer, but subdue. I don't think that those are the same thing.
Subdue sounds like beating something into submission, but I don't think that's it. guess that I should probably study up on the original languages before I go off on this road. Is there a difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ? I do know the difference between the church and the Church, although someone earlier today wanted to clarify it for me. How do we get so screwed up on nomenclature? What is it that drags us over there. What is the shiny object that attracts our soul to ponder these things? I think that they may all be layers of the veil mentioned yesterday. We see through a glass dimly- then face to face. Are we ready to have the veil lifted from our faces- from my face?

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