Thursday, September 19, 2002

A man in California just reminded me that the chinese have a blessing, "May you live in interesting times." We were talking about how hard it can be when nothing seems solid beneath your feet because God is allowing you to be shaken to your core so that you know what your root stock really is.
Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches..." and He meant that He should be our root stock. The thing about root stock and grafting is that you want root stock that is strong- will accept the graft and feed the branches, loaning the grafted part it's strength and durability. It also lends in speeding up the pro-creative process and the viability of a new plant. There is much more to this than I can speak to at present, so I am going to have to do some study, but I will.
Back to the inscrutable. Living in interesting times is like getting patience- you're afraid to ask for it, but you know that without it you will stagnate. It's the interesting times that build character. It's the interesting times that test your medal/metal and it's the interesting times that teach you where to go for strength. They will also point out where you are in the patience indicator, a board that I try to avoid at all costs.
It's also in the interesting times when Christ becomes the most real. I had a very interesting time tonight lying on the floor in submission to Him. I wasn't singing nor was I really overtly "doing" anything, but there He was. I lay on my face and I could feel something on my head as though I was getting a download through one of those steel cereal bowls like in the movies only this was warm, maybe more like a watch cap. I turned over and I could feel a brushing up and down my arms and legs as though something was trying to touch me without touching me, like the old egg broken over the head thing that we did as kids. And then an enveloping that was a little warmer came over me. I will believe in God whether I know these manifestations or not, but they do make for interesting times.

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