Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Scared yet? I have hit the wall on being afraid of the most powerful man in america. I was so very worried when the clintons toook office- I was sure that the end of days was just around the corner.
Since then I have watched as some pretty amazing prophecy has been fulfilled, and saw it done in ways that are counter to what I would call correct... but I can see part of what God was doing in the midst of working it all out. Not the perfect thing that I had in mind, but where do I get off having thoughts about perfection. I'm as small minded as the people that I have so readily labled scarey.
I am being challenged to see Gods' hand moving (because I know that it is) and to suss out what His hand is on.
There was a prophetic word that was interpreted to be about Huckabee (my candidate of choice) that I could easily interpret as Obama-
Wanna know which one?
"The next president will come in a plain brown bag"
The interpretation was that he would be a plain sort of a guy, and not particularly special, when in fact it could easily have meant that he would be a brown man. I am convinced that the heart of the ruler will be lead by our God like the course of a river by the hand of God.
I'll have more to say about this, but it's something to think abput.

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