Friday, July 10, 2009

Hello! the roundtable is going well and growing each day as more delegates from around the globe arrive. Brazil, Germany, Macedonia, Greece, India, Portugal, Venezuela, Czeck-Republic, Hungary, Thailand and even Poland! Many friends being made, many friendships getting deeper and you can see the river of youth that is going to shape the church as it responds to todays cultural necessity.

There is an excitement for nations that is papable in the eyes of these young men and women dedicated to the cause of Christ. They have already been broken before the cross as they witness the church missing people groups and cultures and they are dedicating their lives to pursuing a healthy church body in their home nations as well as those that hear the whispers from the Holy Spirit wooing them to be todays model of Abraham's servant drawing the Bride to the side of the Master.

I am encouraged by there hearts and their longings. Bless the Lord for a hope and a future.

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