Worship is coming is going to be so intimate that people will begin to understand the emotion David felt when he danced out of his britches as the ark of the covenant ws carried into his city.
Up to now there have been many reasons why we don't worship to this depth and it's a shame. We
I once heard some guys on the radio speaking about the plight of worship music and it not meeting the standards of Bach or Mozart- beautiful and from a different era. Just as the melodies of Handel caused the king to rise from his throne during the Messiah, creating a tradition observed today, are time specific and culturally relevant within their era, we have the same mandate to be culturally relevant today, in this day of country, rock and rap. Each has it's place.
The opening of the gates of heaven in this day and age, the revelation of what the Kingdom of heaven of heaven being at hand actually means-
This was David's vision. This was the revelation that made him unaware as his clothing fell from him in worship, the realization that he could look in to the very eyes of the lover of his soul.
He wrote psalms that exposed that he had been to Golgotha and seen the Christ hanging from the cross. He had revelation that spoke to his soul about the depths of the sacrifice he was witnessing while he danced,
it's no wonder he didn't know where his clothes had abandoned him having drunk fully of that revelation...
And it seems to me that this- this is what the church needs. This is the worship that bids the Father to come in His fullness.
But our program requires that we sing three songs and take an offering. greet one another with a holy kiss. Take our eyes from where they have rested and find your check book and after all that effort, "move along" as if the day's agenda didn't have time to stop and hungrily sit at the table set before us.
The feast, as it were, that sits laying open before us.
A time when we could learn from one another how to sup, how to soak, how to linger in the abiding open heaven that has been reached. How to look into the eyes of the Beloved who, in turn, seeks our gaze.
It won't be long now until worship will carry us headlong into a stupor that requires us to give up our sensibilities and be lost to love.
It is here, when we look at one another through the eyes of a dove, soft and without guile, that we will begin to learn what the promise, "they will know that we are Christians by our love, one for another" means, what it looks like and we will become so addicted that others will be curious.
Those who have known us to be sour and judgemental.
get so caught up in form and, for some reason, dignity, that we can't seem to get past the fear that there is a judgement from a peer or participant that matters. There is not!
The day is coming. bring a hankie, a pillow and a blanket, and prepare to occupy the Kingdom.
Bring it on. Some of us have been there frequently but grieve that so few know this intimacy that Christ died for.
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