Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The following was a posted response in a discussion spoken of on "theooze" ~ a website that I spend a lot of time on discussing the stuff of life.
This was posted in the named thread and in response to some things that I posted. Some of my thoughts on the subject of discipleship, mentoring, anamcara, call it what you will- it seems to be a lost art- and I'm not sure that I wrote what is quoted, but it is what was written.


Total Posts: 1447
RE: What happened to the fathers?
Monday August 30, 2004 12:48 PM

"I believe that the fathers heart is coming back into the church. If not, I'm in trouble, aqll dressed up and no place to go, so to speak.I have desired a mentor for years, or at least thought I did. My true desiore is a commited relationship I think."

"BD, God is already using you as father and big brother here on the Ooze, but I believe that he has much more for you, many spiritual children.Bless you in this."

"We have discussed this type of relationship before, and in a discipling relationship, I believe that it must have a peer element? in it... or a mutual respect may be the better way to put it, that makes both in the relationship feel vital, not one "over" the other. There is little love in that relationship or it is an unequal yoking type of thing."

"awesome point"

Message #130409 - This was a reply to message #129288

This very much brings to mind two words that I have received through the years- One is that God would bless me with a large family, and one that I would touch many for the kingdom. I don't believe that I'm ready, but are we ever? Am I beginning to see the dawning of my dreams? Perhaps.

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