Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Find Your Voice

I was talking with an old friend of mine the other day and he again talked with me about my need, as I have no progeny, to write a book to hand down the knowledge that I have gathered in my lifetime.
The important knowledge that needs to be be furthered in research and in deed, so I am tasked with writing yet another book (add to two) and the topic is about finding a voice in the world. And what a voice is for. And what difference it makes where you find it. And whether or not you can use someone else voice as your own.
There has been subtle revelation about this topic throughout my life as I have been on spiritual junkets for the visions of others as well as for myself, freeing angels, cutting off Jezebel powers from resources and cracking brass heavens.
I have been both tourist and warrior, assaulting formally and covertly affecting nations, regions and individuals toward freedom and in truth beyond what most Christians perceive as being part of the Great Commission, and I have watched the decline and fall of a major move of God. I live with my eyes open watching for revelation of my Father as well as revelation the effects of the hand of man in the affairs of the heavens and the world.
So finding a voice, your own or borrowing from the land that you find yourself in affects it all. Knowing which to use is a calling that divines the level of success you will have in your task.
Let's walk this path together while we can.

1 comment:

nwp said...

I look forward to the book. Or books.