Saturday, January 22, 2005

I just watched The Terminal. I thought that it would be the heartwarming story of a man whose country left him when he needed it most and the land of grace was represented by the anal. AND there was the hope of romance.
INSTEAD I see a man whose pride makes him unbending, an honest man driven to rebellion, aided by the society that the agent represented, and dropped by the woman whom he spoke into the heart of.
He spoke to her the truth. He spoke to her from his heart. Her history had no bearing on his feelings. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO MAKE THEM SEE! Why are they so blind or bent on destruction or filled with hate for themselves or so sure that they will find the one guy in 82 million that is both desirable and sweet- Why isn't swwet what's desirable, anyway. I'm just frickin' tired.

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