Another funny thing is PM had told me about this guy on podcast before, and on his radio show, and his ability to hear from God. Actually on the radio show they had people calling in and he was giving accurate words for people who called in and I became jealous for a word from him.
I wanted one because it had been a while (which is not true) since God has spoken to me through someone else. I listen to this podcast and he was banging away on me like an alarm clocks hammer on those two little bells bouncing back and forth, but I'm not going to share all of that. This is about a particular thing that he mentioned in passing.
"when Jesus spoke of a yoke as in 'take my yoke upon you' he was speaking of his teaching".
I always thought that this meant "my burden is light"
I always thought that this had to do with preaching his message.
I thought it had to do with the work of True Religion.
In fact it had to do with the message of his kingdom "at hand"
It had to do with the message of Grace it had to do with the message of forgiving people of their sins. That was his yoke. That was the Yoke of Christ. To forgive people of their sins.
The teaching of the rabbi's, the teaching of the Pharisees was the law straight forward and every time that came at Jesus it was the law they used. They used it to try to get him stoned eventually used it to crucify Him.
They used it for its purpose which is to bring about death.
Jesus said don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So it comes to my attention that unequally yoked can still be two Christians very easily. One Christian who assigns the law and one Christian who assigns Grace. The Pharisees could not function in the Kingdom that Christ was speaking of because they found comfort and solace in the "milk" of the law.
I say the milk of the law because one purpose of the law is to teach us how to live.
The Ten Commandments were 10 very basic rules to live by, the Pharisees extrapolated the very edge of the law to be sure that you didn't go over the edge and find yourself in line for judgement. They lined out just how far you could go, thus inspiring the words of Jesus who said that they strain at a gnat.
So as I listened to Matthew talk about a great many things many of which convicted me because I'm not very mature for my age (I have a very good view of what I expected to look like at this juncture), but when he mentioned the yoke in this context my ears really perked up.
Peter who was accused of being double-minded was finding it difficult to marry the teaching that he grew up with, the teaching of the vast majority of his Nation, with the teaching of the Christ. At one point the disciples said these teachings are hard and the reason that they were hard is because Jesus would preach in the synagogue "you have heard it said this scripture means this but I'm telling you it means something else, it means THIS"
Peter was yoked to two masters and it was his passions fault-
But you can't have two. You will love the one and hate the other you will cleave to one and hate the other and look around us look around and see there are people who cleave with great desire to be snatched out of the grasp of the devil. To be snatched out of out of the jaws of hell and for others to be snatched from the jaws of hell rather than to preach the Kingdom at hand they would rather preach to people that they're going to hell if they continue doing what they're doing rather than do what Jesus did which was show people a better way.
I believe this is a thing they were speaking of when they spoke of being unequally yoked. For two people to be married and be unequally yoked there would be nothing but strife and a household where one partner believed in Grace and the other partner believed in the law is the stuff of the book of proverbs.
Like Peter I grew up under the law. I grew up under some strict rules and it has taken me a very long time to get out from under the law.
Matthew has a very interesting and I believe very likely understanding of Peter that I won't go into but it gives me great comfort to hear Peter spoken of in such a way because I have identified with Peter for so long.
So there are two trees one tree is the knowledge of Good and Evil let's call that tree the law. And the other tree is the Tree of Life for the fruit is sweet but like any other sweet fruit if you make it your complete diet you will not be healthy. You must use common sense. Common Sense doesn't grow on trees and to be equally yoked means to be yoked with someone who Cleaves to what you cleave to. So be wise in your choosing for you will be known in the context of your associations. I choose to love Love