This is about DRUMS!!!
Drums thundering, drums beating quielty like the heartbeat of a content mother, drums that sing the cadence of life.
Drums have an ability that is unknown, and the experiment will be to try it out. I believe that they can fashion a structure over our city to hang unity over.
I know, that doesn't make much sense, and I don't know can only imagine what is going to happen, but the goal is to change the heavens so that God's heartbeat is heard and a city comes into alignment in a way that we can work as a christian body.
I figure that it will take a few minutes to get to that place where unity abounds, and I think that on the way there there will be people who cannot quite get it until they get it. Like white people not being able to dance, if you don't mind an earthy reference, eventually we will find Mantovani (from "The Jerk") and we will all be in unity heading toward the heavens.
There is more that I hope to get to, but for this minute, I'm through and want to maintain at least some semblance of keeping up here. Meanwhile, keep tapping your foot. You can't know who's tapping with you.