My Mom and I have agreed to disagree about worship. She is fine with what I grew up with- in fact, needs it to enter true worship, doesn't believe that the Holy Spirit can move unless it's that kind of worship.
I can worship in just about anything, I think that if I have the will to worship He has the will to be worshipped. I don't believe that we can worship in spirit and in truth unless He is enabling us to do so, therefore I wrote this one saturday before thanksgiving after hearing that the renewal pharisees were comparing one worship ministry to another. I admit it is a reaction, but I do believe that it is truth.
The worship Leader is the one who sets the target. They should not necessarily be in the midst of the journey at the time of corporate worship, but rather provide the means for the congregation to get there.
There must also be a time and a place to raise up and challenge worship leaders to go higher. A new venue, a new congregation, a new songlist- but all of these things require an element of risk and most worship leaders don't like to because they are easily cajoled or easily beaten to submission.
God said "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm." Worshippers fall into the category of "my anointed."
I have heard (and likely made) many critical statements about worshippers, but I didn't really understand that the role of a worship leader is to give the congregation tools, and then it is encumbent on the conngregation to figure out how to use them, not judge them as better or worse, more or less, than someone elses (gifting).
When Jericho fell (I don't have any pictures from Jericho) the Lord required them to march in silence six days around the wall. Six days without carping.
Carping is an axe laid to the root worship with abandon, and if a worshipper, who is ultra-sensitive by Gods design hears critique without love their ability dwindles. Their freedom is stunted and the target is lowered from high praisse to low, from the tabernacle to the temple, from what is acceptable to God to what is acceptable to man.
The picture above is from Mayan Herod, also called Gideons Spring where he chose 300 men to fight against an army without number. This was an act of worship with abandon, to whittle your army down to 300 men against the nations of the east.
Let us ponder abandon for a bit.